
Rumblings from a tired mind


Free QR Code Generator

Generate pages of QR codes ready for printing. Simple, but does the job. Free QR Code Generator

Million Dollar Pixel

The World is full of many pixels in a variety of many different colours, but this one right here is unused and is available to you right now for the special price of $1,000,000.00 – a cool million United States Dollars. This pixel is the one. That one, there on the left. Frequently asked questions …

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Power Apps are rubbish #206

I want to set a field in a SharePoint List to the current User Easy enough. You can use the Patch Command to update a record in a SharePoint list so as follows? Nope Thanks for the Low Code solution Microsoft!

VPS Hosting comparison

Digital Ocean, Hetzner, Linode and Vultr offer some fantastic Virtual Server solutions from as little as $5. A comparison table of the entry level virtual servers from these three providers are listed below and any of them will provide a great solution if you want to run your own server. Linode and Digital Ocean have …

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Show vehicle positions with the Google Maps v3 API

Most people are already familiar with Google Maps, so why not utilise that to present your business data to your users. Today I am going to show you how to use the Google Maps API to track vehicles using their AVL data. This is something I have done for the Fire Service to show the location of Fire Engines across the county.

For this we are going to need the following:

  • JQuery
  • The Google Maps JavaScript API
  • A page that displays the google map
  • Some JavaScript to pull the vehicle locations
  • A PHP Script to serve the vehicle locations
  • A way to generate dynamic icons

To start with we will need a simple page that will include the required JavaScript, StyleSheets and HTML code to provide a placeholder for the Google Map.

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Generating Dynamic Icons for Google Maps with PHP

Google Maps provides a standard Marker marker image that looks like this and whilst I do not intend to offend Ji Lee, this icon can be replaced with an image of your choice. By using PHP to create an image dynamically on the fly you can have images that provide much more information.

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Categories PHP

UwAmp cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem

UwAmp cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate (see If you get the above error you may need to specify a certificate file in your PHP.INI which you can download from Once downloaded edit your PHP.INI and set the following