Food nutrition facts and Free calorie and macro counting app
Xmas Present Game
Food nutrition facts and Free calorie and macro counting app
Password Generator
Generate easy to remember passwords for your customers.
Generating Dynamic Icons for Google Maps with PHP
Google Maps provides a standard Marker marker image that looks like this and whilst I do not intend to offend Ji Lee, this icon can be replaced with an image of your choice. By using PHP to create an image dynamically on the fly you can have images that provide much more information.
UwAmp cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem
UwAmp cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate (see If you get the above error you may need to specify a certificate file in your PHP.INI which you can download from Once downloaded edit your PHP.INI and set the following
Testing Stripe Webhooks with Localhost
Stripe allows you to test your webhooks, but if you are running a local development environment such as UwAmp then it is difficult to integrate. The solution is to use Putty to create a reverse tunnel to publish the local dev enviornment through your webserver. On NGinx on the VPS server you need to allow the remote port … Read more